Tuesday, May 29, 2012

People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest. ~Hermann Hesse

During Elizabethan times people were sometimes classified based on the four humors.  Humorism is the theory that a person’s personality and health can be directly influenced by an excess or deficiency of any of the four distinct bodily fluids. These fluids are: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Sounds tantalizing right? Because I am conspiracy theorist (and a little bit of a history nerd) I’ve been thinking about Humorism lately.

People with an excess of yellow bile are considered “choleric” and are easily angered and bad tempered. The modern term for these individuals is “idealist”, which I find humorous (notice the pun). We all know this person. The evil neighbor that is always yelling at you to “Slow down!” as you drive by. Or the surly old man at Vons that acts like ringing up your groceries is giving him hemorrhoids. Or any high school librarian. An excess of black bile will lead a person to be considered “melancholic”. This person is sleepless, despondent, and irritable. Supposedly they are the “guardians” of the Humors.  This is the Eeyore of the Humors. Or that friend that pretends to be trying really hard but is actually just sitting around bitching.  Too much Phlegm makes a person “phlegmatic” (duh) and get this, they are considered “rational”. Hmmm. These people are considered calm and unemotional. So in my mind they are the American Psychos and the Dexters of the world. Finally comes the excess of blood. The “sanguine” peeps of the Humors Theory. These people are “artisans” and are courageous, hopeful, and amorous. These are my kind of people.

I feel like although this is all a croc of shit, we all can relate to some if not all of these humors. I myself have been all four of the humors at one time or another, sometimes all within an hour. I fought long and hard to transform myself from the “Choleric” asshole I once was to the “Sanguine” rainbow that I am today. And it was not a pretty process. Now that I am the hopeless romantic that I am I realize shit is no easier this way. I am so devoted to being optimistic that when things are shitty I take it hard. Real hard. Didn’t-win-the-Academy-Award-but-already-cleared-a-place-on-my-mantle, hard. This disappointment does not just happen in regards to big things in life, like winning the lottery or meeting the man of my dreams it happens with almost everything I plan that later falls through. The other day I almost cried when I had plans to make cupcakes and we were out of cake mix. Seriously. I had to talk myself down from the cliff and tell myself that sometimes cupcakes aren’t possible but that the world was still a place worth living in.

If I am going to do something I am going to do it balls to the wall. I spent a lot of time doing things half-assed, and I have very little to show for it. So my new MO is to be as outlandish as I feel and hope I get better results. At least I am being authentic to myself, as well as keeping people on their toes. But doing things hardcore all the time kind of ensures that you will be disappointed at least 45% of the time. This is the part I always forget. Sure, sometimes dressing up like a giant chicken and dancing around gets great results. Some people love a girl dressed as a giant chicken. And sometimes people do not enjoy a full grown woman singing “Free to be You and Me!” at the top of her lungs. Probably those Choleric bastards, but still. It happens. The point is I’ve somehow wrongly convinced myself that if I put myself out there and live my most authentic life that I will somehow automatically get the results I dream up. And this is just not realistic. I kind of just assumed that because I was playing the game Full Throttle Charlie’s Angels 2 that everyone around me was too. Apparently they are not. Not everyone is as invested in what is going on around them. People don’t notice the extra efforts that are made. And that’s their prerogative. Nothing wrong with being a grown-up, or being busy or whatever. I just gotta start training myself to better embrace the disappointment. I’m never going to not be butthurt when someone poo-poos the way I do things. I spend a lot of time and energy crafting what I present to the world so when I get shitty reviews I get a little down. But I need to go even further in my pushing of the limit and stop letting people’s lack of enthusiasm for life affect how I strut my stuff. So some people don’t like public singing? Sucks for them, Can’t stop WON’T stop.

The real question I have when pondering all this is how can someone have an excess of courage, hope, or love? Let’s face it; every hero is a little nutty. That’s what separates them from all the normal people that are standing around waiting for things to happen. You gotta be a little bat shit crazy to get results in this life but I don’t see this as a deficiency. And what would classify a person as being “too hopeful?” Hope is the driving force of humanity. All change is based on hope and all progress is based on change. Without hope there would be no women voting, no integration, and probably no indoor plumbing. As for an excess of love well I guess that could get messy. I mean no one likes the slut. Technically everyone loves the slut, but not in the way that is important. Having an excess of love is the easiest way to get hurt, and I’ve found that it the quickest way to be rejected. People are much more likely to put up with an excess of anger than they are to put up with an excess of love (at least in my experience). Perhaps this is why I am seen as such an eccentric character in my environment. I am not down to hide how I feel about a person. I am not good at playing the game, and waiting to call or acting “busy” or whatever the fucking rules are. Fuck that. I’m down, your down; let’s get this show on the road. And if you aren’t down, tell me so I can flutter off and be the sunshine in someone else’s life. Because just as there are people in this world that HATE public singing and adults in chicken costumes, there are a select few who get off on skipping through the mall singing songs from The Wizard of Oz  and acting out the fight scenes from Kill Bill. And these are the only people I want to surround myself with.

And for the record, maybe instead of being weaker or “deficient” for being hopeful and optimistic I am in fact stronger than the other Humors for spending more time caring about my environment and those around me. Because the fact is it is WAY easier to take care of yourself and say “fuck the rest” than it is to ensure you are positively affecting those around you. But how boring is it to take the easy way out?

Let's close with a song from someone who is NEVER afraid to show her true colors to the world, Bjork. She will be my spirit animal for the coming days. Listen to this amazing bit of poetry and drink up the lyrics I've copied here...

 performed by: Bjork 

He means tomorrow but says "In a bit"
and doesn't show up at all
he sets his watch to a comet's orbit
remembers to forget to call

No courage for love - too scared to be happy
No courage for love - too scared to be happy

I do... do
I do... do

"Your place or mine?" means "Heaven or hell?"
two addresses somewhat apart
his home's dark and spiky, her's clear as a bell
it's over before they can start

No courage for love - too scared to be happy
No courage for love - too scared to be happy

I do.... don't 
I do.... don't

And tomorrow passed them by

Monday, May 7, 2012

Poetry in Motion

I have slowly pulled myself out of the stagnant phase and I have now entered the floundering phase. I still have NO idea what I am doing, but for some reason this uncertainty is more comfortable and even exciting. I guess that’s because I know I am in motion in some way, for better or for worse. I might not be going in the direction I am hoping I am moving in, but at least I am moving.

In the past 2 weeks I have taken the advice of many of my peers and made drastic steps to fling myself out of my comfort zone. I didn’t give myself any time to talk myself out of it and I just reacted rather than pondering all the possible outcomes. Sure, I didn’t do things completely appropriate, but when do I ever do things in a completely PC manner?
I ended up doing something I have never in my life done, and never in my life considered doing. I gave a cute boy my phone number. To an average person a simple gesture, to me earth shattering. I did it and I immediately felt an uplift in my potential and capacity to grow and change. At that point I didn’t even care what the outcome was, I had shocked myself and done something I had never done and I was riding a high. I was rewarded when the boy actually texted me back (shocking me all over again since I hadn’t even thought about the aftermath of this whole plan).

Now I’m not gonna start gushing about every detail about my progress (god help me if this boy ever reads this blog. All my dirty laundry will probably be the BIGGEST deal breaker of all time) but I am gonna say that I am no longer working on stepping out of my comfort zone. There is no going back, I was able to catapult myself out of my comfort zone and now I’m in a strange new land. This land is all about learning how to relax and enjoy the ride and NOT spend all my time analyzing every tiny detail or text or lack of text. It’s exciting here and the unknown is no longer something I fear but something I relish. I still have no idea what I am doing and I still freak out sometimes and call every person in my contacts list asking for their advice and input and begging them to remind me that everything will be ok. I have come to terms with the fact that this will never be something that is easy for me, and that’s ok. I’m just so glad to be moving in a new direction and trying new things and not being afraid to put myself out there to see what I get back.

Music has had a MAJOR impact on my actions in the past 2 weeks and I would like to include a copy of the playlist that has spurned this new awakening in me in the hopes that it provides confidence and inner power to someone else that needs it.

                                                        Break on Through Playlist

1.       Xavia- The Submarines
2.       This Modern Love- Bloc Party
3.       Here Comes your Man- Meaghan Smith
4.       Message of Love- The Pretenders
5.       Make Damn Sure- Taking Back Sunday
6.       It’s a Fact (Printed Stained)- Matt & Kim
7.       I was born (a Unicorn)- The Unicorns
8.       Happiness Runs- Donovan
9.       Send me on my Way- Rusted Root
10.   Beautiful- The Go-gos
11.   Free to be you and Me- Marlo Thomas
12.   All is Love- Karen O and the Kids
13.   Utopia- Goldfrapp
14.   All the Way-Ladytron
15.   Don’t make me Over-Dionne Warwick
16.   Apocalypse Song-St. Vincent